Visited the WindCube systems at the BAO 0915 MDT. The summary of each one is below:
WC49 (CU oldest, southernmost)
- No electrical power, not operating.
- Last post from Julie to this blog that I saw here said stage was rotating, but were not able to access it. Earlier in the experiment, the data were all NaNs.
- The latest alarm files have been due to hard drive errors. Welly Cobden at NRG has been contacted, and should be spoken to on 2015_03_12.
- Alarm files can be viewed on breeze. (Need password for
WC61 (NCAR northernmost)
- Making a low volume buzzing noise coming from the south side as the head rotates.
- The sound went away after a while.
- Rotating, running, and able to access data. (Good girl... :) )
WC68 (CU new, middle)
- Scanner head was frozen in one position upon arrival. Rochelle Worsnop was able to log into Team Viewer and see that the scanner light was red.
- Restarted the wind soft software and saw all the data collection came back.
- Verified with team viewer with Rochelle and Paul Quelet iPhone.
- Is this something to ask NRG about? Can a script be written to override this?
- Update: 2015-03-11 at 1038 MDT local was not able to connect from PTQ laptop or iPhone. (Message says that "Team Viewer is not running on remote computer."
WC68 is working now. Just needed to login to TeamViewer again with the all Teamviewer Accounts login. This information is contained at the end of the updated WindCube procedures document which is on breeze in the /data/fielddata/XPIA/